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Sponsor RKSV Halsteren at no cost

SponsorKliks now makes it possible for you to give RKSV Halsteren financial support, without paying a penny extra!

Through the categories links in the menu, you can also place orders with various web stores.
This way, a percentage of the purchasing price also goes to RKSV Halsteren. And once again, it does not cost you anything extra!

Would you also like to sponsor RKSV Halsteren AT NO COST? Then from now on, please make sure you do all your online shopping through your RKSV Halsteren's website. It's hardly any trouble for you, while for RKSV Halsteren it means direct revenue. Imagine what it would be like when all members would be doing this? So please, tell this to others who feel positive about RKSV Halsteren.

How does it work?

Very simple. Web stores pay a commission for each order placed through SponsorKliks. 75% of this commission will be deposited into your RKSV Halsteren's bank account. Whether you go directly to, for instance,, or you go to's website through SponsorKliks, you will pay the same price. Only in the latter situation will remit a commission to us, and will RKSV Halsteren profit directly!

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